Super Meat Boy Forever
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Super Meat Boy Forever

Meat Grinder contains two new game modes now: “The Daily Grind” and “Quick Play”

"The Daily Grind" is a randomly generated level that switches out daily. Get to the end as quickly as possible to top the leaderboards. Try as many times as you like! Get better!

"Quick Play" allows you to play a level generated from all of the "level chunks" in a chapter. Maybe you'll see something new!

"Forever Forge" has been added which showcases the best user generated levels. For now enjoy a Team Meat official chapter called “Abattoir” which is….quite difficult.

Super Meat Boy Forever takes place a few years after the events of Super Meat Boy. Meat Boy and Bandage Girl have been living a happy life free of Dr. Fetus for several years and they now have a wonderful little baby named Nugget. Nugget is joy personified and she is everything to Meat Boy and Bandage Girl. One day while our heroes were on a picnic, Dr. Fetus snuck up on them, beat Meat Boy and Bandage Girl unconscious with a shovel and kidnapped Nugget! When our heroes came to and found that Nugget was missing, they knew who to go after. They cracked their knuckles and decided to never stop until they got Nugget back and taught Dr. Fetus a very important lesson. A lesson that can only be taught with punches and kicks.

The challenge of Super Meat Boy returns in Super Meat Boy Forever. Levels are brutal, death is inevitable, and players will get that sweet feeling of accomplishment after beating a level. Players will run, jump, punch and kick their way through familiar settings and totally new worlds.


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